@php $connected_entity = new $field['model']; $connected_entity_key_name = $connected_entity->getKeyName(); $old_value = old(square_brackets_to_dots($field['name'])) ?? $field['value'] ?? $field['default'] ?? false; $field['delay'] = $field['delay'] ?? 400; $field['init_function'] = $field['init_function'] ?? true; $field['init_script'] = $field['init_script'] ?? true; @endphp
{{-- HINT --}} @if (isset($field['hint']))

{!! $field['hint'] !!}

{{-- ########################################## --}} {{-- Extra CSS and JS for this particular field --}} {{-- If a field type is shown multiple times on a form, the CSS and JS will only be loaded once --}} @if ($crud->fieldTypeNotLoaded($field)) @php $crud->markFieldTypeAsLoaded($field); @endphp {{-- FIELD CSS - will be loaded in the after_styles section --}} @push('crud_fields_styles') {{-- allow clear --}} @if ($entity_model::isColumnNullable($field['name'])) @endif @endpush {{-- FIELD JS - will be loaded in the after_scripts section --}} @push('crud_fields_scripts') @if($field['init_script']) @if (app()->getLocale() !== 'en') @endif @endif @endpush @endif @push('crud_fields_scripts') @endpush {{-- End of Extra CSS and JS --}} {{-- ########################################## --}}