@php //Config: //(UniqueCheckOperation needed.) //name: required //type: 'unique_text' //check_fields:required, array //check_fields.{field_name}.api_url:required, router name (use as check dulpicate, the router is set in UniqueCheckOperation, but you can use other api when needed) //other_wheres:array //check_fields.{field_name}:text or array, (use when other default filter needed, e.g. unit_id) ////show_if_exist:(when it is duplicate, what data will show in help-block, id as default) //url_if_exist:(when it is set, this url will use in the msg (in help block)) //the structure should look like: // // [ // 'name' => 'programme_cname_unique_check', // 'type' => 'unique_text', // 'tab' => 'basic_info', // 'check_fields' => [ // 'programme_cname' => [ // 'api_url' => 'programme_plan.check_unique', // ], // ], // 'other_wheres' => [ // 'unit_id'=> $this->crud->getCurrentEntry()->unit_id, // 'status' => ProgrammePlan::STATUS_ACTIVES // ], // 'show_if_exist' => 'programme_plan_no', // 'url_if_exist' => 'programme_plan.edit' // ] $_class = get_class($crud->model); $class = str_replace('\\', '\\\\',$_class); $self_id = $crud->getCurrentEntryId(); @endphp @push('crud_fields_styles') @endpush @push('crud_fields_scripts') @endpush {{-- Note: you can use @if ($crud->checkIfFieldIsFirstOfItsType($field, $fields)) to only load some CSS/JS once, even though there are multiple instances of it --}}